My name is... well if you don't know my name then how in the hell did you get to this damn website? AH!
I'll keep it short.
I've been creating music all my life and always been challenging myself in MANY forms of art. Sculpture, animation, video, etc. Well, music is probably the most personal form of creativity to me, and also often the most fun.
I'm well established on the internet with my animations and games (JazzaStudios) which have collectively entertained dozens of millions of people, but the internet can sometimes be a very broad place to work, in the sense that while you may be entertaining millions... well you certainly don't feel like you are as you sit at a desk eating junk food working tirelessly day-in-day-out!
So long story short, recently i've been more and more enjoying bringing my musical passions to the forefront. I now go street performing in the City of Melbourne (Australia) with a piano and my voice, meeting people, gathering crowds here and there, and promoting myself.

On top of that i've really been getting a kick out of recording Cover songs and Music videos in my spare time. I hope to build a good collection of songs and videos that take many well known songs in interesting and fun artistic directions!
As for where I am now?
Well I'm in the process of recording my next Album of original material. I'll be spending every ounce of my effort to make the music as rich and emotional/entertaining as possible.
Thanks for checking out my little site here, feel free to contact me with any questions you have, and please follow me on Facebook and Twitter to show your support and get frequent updates!